Let’s Meet Under the Cherry Tree | La petite salle d'art de Kao

Let’s Meet Under the Cherry Tree

An Exhibition of New Works by Sleepless Kao

April 7 – May 8, 2022

At Branches & Knots

Dearest Friends & Art Lovers,

The brilliant sky & sunshine everyone is waiting for has arrived.

There is a lovely sound from somewhere, sweetly powerful tones—a girl’s mandolin sensing the spirit of cherry blossoms. 

See you again this year at that hill where the sakura petals dance with light, both day and night! 🌸



どこからか愛らしい音がします きらびやかで華やかな音色



– Kao, March 2022

Place: Branches & Knots

at 3128 W. Broadway

Store Hours:  Monday – Sat 12-6   Sunday 12-5

Over 30 spring artworks including original paintings and prints.
Support Ukraine: 5% of art sales go to Ukraine Red Cross*