Happy New Year! | La petite salle d'art de Kao

Happy New Year!

Year 2020 was a special year for me.

I experienced so many difficult times in the past but in this time, I started to question why I was making art. My time alone felt heavier than before, but when I received warm messages one by one, I realized why I chose to pursue making art.😌

“Your art makes me happy”, “ You make me happy with your artwork which I treasure as it makes me smile!”

“Keep on making your magic art to keep us all smiling”

Honestly, I couldn’t make any art when I was sorrowful, but I met this girl and she said “Thank you for being an artist!” “Thank you for keep drawing” to me with eyes sparkling from the excitement.

Those messages moved me so much since I was going through a difficult time.

Those warm things came into my spirit and made me to paint again. The warm things were full of affectionate messages.

I truly appreciate all of you who gave me messages, bought my art, came to see me at shops,  art shows and shop staffs who are taking care of my art very well.

There is no proof of this year being better,  but I have a strong feeling that Year 2021 will bring lots of great things.

So many bad things happened all over the world last year, so I think the only thing left is to climb up from the bottom.

I have been renovating the small room in my small house in my home town, Japan to make a studio. 🏠

After Covid -19 has subtled down, I want my artist friends and all my friends who live all over the world to be in this place to talk about art.

My 2021 resolution is to not lose myself wherever I am and continue making art.🎨

Please keep cheering me up.😊

I wish lots of love and happiness will come to all of you.🎍


“your art makes me happy” “You make me happy with your artwork which I treasure as it makes me smile!”

“keep on making your magic art to keep us all smiling”


“Thank you for being artist!” “Thank you for keep drawing”









